Come and join us for a creative and artistic workshop learning the popular art of resin art with artist:
In this class you will be introduced to Resin Art and the fundamental techniques of painting with Resin using mixed media materials such as dried florals/ crystals crushed stones/ etc to create an artwork that you will take home .
Resin is a modern material used for creating art and decoration. It is popular for its high viscosity, and its ability to be applied over different surfaces and mixed with different materials.
The workshop will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to Resin Art
- Mixing ratios resin with paint
- Using resin as coating and sealing
- The popular techniques of Resin painting
- Using resin with mixed media (crystals, shells,etc..)
Each participant will compose their own resin painting on a Metal tray and MDF Coasters, and ultimately earn the knowledge to to create their own resin masterpiece.
Group discounts available- To avail- Contact Ame Artistic Studio on 050 263 2668